Dr. Oliver Kisaka

Dr. Oliver Kisaka

Managing Director, CORAT

Oliver Kisaka currently serves as Managing Director of Christian Organizations Research Advisory Trust (CORAT) Africa, a Christian company that does capacity building for Churches, Church related organizations and other clients in Africa. He previously served as Chaplain of Africa International University in 2017, Managing Consultant of SolaGratia Associates in 2015 and 2016, Deputy General Secretary of National Council of Churches of Kenya from 2003 to 2014, Staff member of FOCUS-Kenya, from 1990 to 2002 and as a School teacher from 1987 to 1989. He is a member of the Friends Church in Kenya, who serves all Churches as Advisor, Trainer, Speaker, Teacher and Facilitator.

Oliver holds a Bachelor of Education in Mathematics/ Physics from Kenyatta University, a Master of Arts in Biblical and Theological Studies from Africa International University and a Phd in Church and State studies from Oxford Centre For Mission Studies, Middlesex University, UK. Oliver is married to Lynette Kisaka and they have 2 grown daughters.

Oliver has served on boards including Africa Institute of Contemporary Mission and Research, Ufungamano House, the Kenya Integrity Forum, the National Ethics Taskforce, Uraia –the Kenya National Civic Education Programme, the Inter-Religious Council of Kenya, Africa’s Representative of the Friends World Committee for Consultation on the board of Quaker United Nations Organization in New York, an currently on Quaker Nobel Peace Price Nominating Committee. Oliver has authored ‘The Grace of Giving: Growing in faith, Integrity and Community’.

Role of Church Guide
As Kenya approaches its general election, we have developed this study guide as a worthy companion for all who are desirous of bringing Kingdom impact into the political and governance arena.
We have also partnered with The Safari App to develop an immersive Ecourse