The Church’s Role in Promoting Peace and Cohesion [Rev. Dr. Samuel Kobia]

The Rain that Beat Us

In a context of political polarization, past and present social injustices, it is imperative for the Church to engage in the country’s political affairs, and speak on behalf of those who are oppressed economically, politically, socially or spiritually.

This high calling as an advocate of peace and development is rooted in the Church’s ministry of reconciliation, a role that the people of God are best placed to play in our society, and working with the government and other stakeholders to promote justice and righteousness in the country’s governance. Therefore:  

  1. As ambassadors of Christ, the Church as a community of believers are called to promote peace, restoration and reconciliation in the society.
  2. As a vessel of peace and development, the Church should resist any opposition to peace and prosperity in whatever forms, be it political or cultural forces of evil, identifying with and speaking on behalf of the vulnerable, especially those oppressed economically, politically, socially or spiritually; without justice and equity, there can be no lasting peace.
  3. In our context of ethnic and political polarization, the Church must stand for and advocate for national integration by modelling and promoting equity, fairness, justice and common identity.
  4. Since politics is about administration of the people’s well-being, and the systems and processes that determine resource distribution and welfare of society, the Church should not be a spectator, but an active participant to ensure equity and justice in Kenya’s political processes and governance institutions.
  5. Cognizant of the role of values-driven leadership to a nation’s prosperity, the Church has a  responsibility to advocate for righteous people to lead at all levels of the country’s governance to ensure justice for all, because “When righteous people rule, the city rejoices” but when the wicked are in power, “people groan” and society fragments (Prov. 11:10, 11; 29:2).
  6. In order to guard against compromise, Church leaders need to be discerning and uphold integrity, and the courage to speak prophetically, irrespective of gifts offered by politicians.
  7. As a ‘light shining in darkness,’ the Church is the moral compass of society, and must speak out against the ills in the society, set and model standards of just society, and do all this in the spirit of love, compassion and bipartisanship in its engagement approaches.
  8. As a prophetic voice, the Church needs to provide much-needed thought-leadership in the political discourse of the country, and develop alternative organizing political principles in place of the self-serving principles presented by the political class


Rev. Dr. Samuel Kobia

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3 years ago

Great message from a great leader and man of God.

Peterson Marira
Peterson Marira
3 years ago

The need for church to engage in politics from time immemorial

Role of Church Guide
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