The Rock on Which We Stand [Dr. Vinoth Ramachandra]

The Rock on Which we Stand

Politics is much more than Government. It entails the whole of creation in which the Creator exercises his rule and reign. This includes both realms, seen and unseen, the visible and material (physical), as well as the invisible spiritual realm. In this regard, the Church must be engaged in all the spheres of the public square, and address all kinds of issues facing society, with approaches that are rooted on a bedrock of sound political theology.

  1. A truly relevant theology is one that addresses the issues of a particular community. It should answer the questions raised by this community in this specific setting
  2. Democracy should never be pitted against development. The two should go hand in hand
  3. The prophets were the conscience of the people and they are the ones who heard from God and advised kings and society. The Church should be modern-day prophets
  4. God has given rights to the poor and the needy so it is not charity that the rulers (government) are expected to give, it is actually the poor’s God-given rights.
  5. The Church is the new Polis – the City of God where God’s law is administered. When governments themselves become wrongdoers, the Church should publicly confront the authorities about their wrongdoing.
  6. Government failure is a symptom of other failures i.e. institutional, moral formation of citizens.


Dr. Vinoth Ramachandra

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Jervis Djokoto
Jervis Djokoto
3 years ago

Stimulating, refreshing and very well grounded in scripture. Thank you, Dr. Vinoth.

Emelda Agoi
Emelda Agoi
3 years ago

Anticipating to learn alot from this platform.

C Mumbai
C Mumbai
3 years ago

A truly relevant theology is one that addresses the issues of a particular community.”

That is a man-centred approach. Good theology is what God reveals about Himself and the work He is doing.

Muriithi Nyawira
Muriithi Nyawira
3 years ago

The sense of clarity, and global view of scripture Dr. Vinoth brings is exemplary.
I admire his academic wit, and understanding of the world.
The talk is a must listen for any Christian thinker!

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