What should be the role of the Church in politics?

Emerging Discussions


A review of the prophetic mandate of the Church to take a stand for social justice and social action in line with Micah 6:8. How can the Church engage government and society in a constructive manner to ensure the entrenchment of practices that respect human dignity, enhance human welfare, and honour God.

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Adhiambo Osiro
Adhiambo Osiro
3 years ago

The current mediation role played by the church in Kenya is a stellar example of this. From Rev Timothy Njoya in his ushujaa fight for multiparty democracy, to Nobel laureate Desmond Tutu’s fiery criticism of apartheid-three things stands out: SPEAK OUT, SPEAK TRUTH AND BE THE LIGHT AND SALT OF THE EARTH.(Matthew 5:13) As Jesus sends out his 72 disciples into the world, in Luke 10:3 ,he cautions . “That they should be sheep among wolves.” That is a weighty call there.

3 years ago

The Ekklesia (Church) is not a religious group, it is a political agency of a king…


Dr.Myles Munroe


Last edited 3 years ago by Mac
Francis Wahome
Francis Wahome
3 years ago

In the devolved system of government that Kenya is, the local Church could play a critical role in educating and mobilizing the local communities, the majority of whom are members of the different congregations, on their rights and responsibilities as citizens of Kenya and as citizens of the heavenly Kingdom. Church leaders are some of the most respected people at all levels of society and their opinions carry a lot of weight. Their prophetic voices in regard to the communities’ pain points are glaringly missing, the salt has lost it’s saltiness and the light has been covered inside Church buildings. The powerless have nobody to talk to the powerful for and with them and as a consequence the society is rotting under all forms of moral and social vices. We need modern day Esthers to talk to the Kings, we need Nehemiahs to lead us in rebuilding the broken economic and political walls, we need Ezras to draw us closer to the heart of God, to revisit the moral decay, to address lost family values, to re-ignite godly love across societies.

Lydia Mgongo
Lydia Mgongo
3 years ago

Joining for the first time…can’t wait to learn more today

Role of Church Guide
As Kenya approaches its general election, we have developed this study guide as a worthy companion for all who are desirous of bringing Kingdom impact into the political and governance arena.
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