Dr. Vinoth Ramachandra

Dr. Vinoth Ramachandra

Secretary for Dialogue & Social Engagement, IFES

Vinoth Ramachandra lives in Colombo, Sri Lanka, and serves as the Secretary for Dialogue & Social Engagement in IFES. His work mainly involves helping students, professors and graduates engage Christianly with the social, ideological and political issues they face in their universities and nations.

He has also been involved with the Faraday Institute for Science & Religion, Micah Global, the Civil Rights Movement in Sri Lanka and A Rocha. He has authored several essays and books including Faiths in Conflict? (1999), Subverting Global Myths (2008), Gods That Fail (2nd edition, 2016) and Sarah’s Laughter (2020).

Role of Church Guide
As Kenya approaches its general election, we have developed this study guide as a worthy companion for all who are desirous of bringing Kingdom impact into the political and governance arena.
We have also partnered with The Safari App to develop an immersive Ecourse