Prof. Margaret J. Muthwii
Prof. Margaret Muthwii is a linguist, researcher, administrator and a career educator who has taught and mentored many people in and out of formal educational settings. She was a Senior Lecturer and Deputy Registrar (Academic Affairs) at Kenyatta University (1987-2000); taught at Alliance Girls High School (1981-85). She is widely published and most of her work (and citations) may be found in
- http://dspace.pacuniversity.ac.ke:8080/xmlui/handle/123456789/2783
- https://scholar.google.com/citations?user=kNIkQQ4AAAAJ&hl=en
Outside academia, Margaret has continuously offered her skills, talents and time to many other institutions over the years. She made a significant contribution to the work of the United Bible Societies (UBS) where she worked in various capacities (2001-2013): as a scholar and translation consultant, then led the Africa Area Translation work as both Coordinator and Organization Manager in charge of an international team of translation consultants and finally as a key member of the Global Translation Coordinators Team. She has been a member of the Governing Council in two universities (the Pan Africa Christian University Council -2008 to 2013 and the Africa International University (AIU -2005 to 2012 where she also served as the Deputy chair of the Governing Council ((2008-12). She chaired the Planning, Finance & Human Resource Committee of the Inter Universities Council of East Africa (IUCEA) (2018-to 2020); and is a member of the board at the Kenya Universities and Colleges Central Placement Service (KUCCPS) where she has chaired its Audit Committee (2017-2021) and presently chairs the HR Committee of this Board. Margaret is part of the leadership of the Kenya Association of Private Universities (KAPU) since 2016 and she is currently the Secretary. She also sits in two international boards: SIL LEAD based in Washington DC, and The Word For The World (TWFTW) based in Colorado Springs, USA.
Margaret is a Christian who worships God among the Christ is the Answer Ministries (CITAM) congregations where she enjoys teaching Sunday School, has served as a member of both the Deacon Board (2001-2005) and the Council of Elders (2005-2011), and given support to the interim leadership of CITAM Clay City Assembly (2018 to April 2021). She is married and has four sons and four grand-children.