The Global Scenario – Lessons from the USA [Dr. Ron Sider]

The Rain that Beat Us

Christians subscribe to the teachings of Jesus Christ and our political norms should be based on Christian values and doctrine. The Kenyan Church should not make the mistake of American Catholics and Evangelicals, where one-issue politics replaced the biblical, more holistic approach that is needed for effective political engagement.

  1. The Church needs to study the world – understand how the system works, understand what the issues are. Understand how the fallen world works (or what is not working), as this is the context in which Christians are called to engage. “Do not be conformed to this world…”
  2. Christians need to develop a biblical approach to politics through sound understanding of norms and the laws viz the economics, the politics, the societal norms.
  3. It is the responsibility of the Church to hold all politicians and political parties accountable for their actions and political philosophies. There should also be a place for Christians to call out bad behavior in the political sphere.
  4. Church leaders’ primary responsibility is to help people develop a biblical based approach and biblical framework for engaging in politics.
  5. It is crucial for Christians to develop their agenda based on biblical and Christian norms, otherwise their agenda will be informed by the values of the world.


Dr. Ron Sider

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Dr. L. Wambui
Dr. L. Wambui
3 years ago

One key recommendation is that the church should have same views on cardinal issues like sanctity of life, marriage etc.

Dr. L. Wambui
Dr. L. Wambui
3 years ago

Christians of whatever political persuasion should be guided by the Bible for non-negotiable framework then individually articulate which political party to support or join,

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