The Church as a Custodian [Rev. Thegu Mutahi]

The Responsibility We Carry

The call upon the church is to be the custodian of morals and the conscience of society. This means that the church has a missional responsibility to ensure that the country is morally conscious. In order to effectively shoulder this responsibility, the Church must self-sanitize before it can point out what is not morally right in society. The Church has to ensure that there is nothing that can be dug up to embarrass it. Some of the steps that we can take to fulfil this responsibility are:

  1. The Church needs to identify what issues it can advocate and push for through an interreligious platform. Kenya’s problem is the breakdown of the moral fabric.
  2. Proactively seek to influence the education sector. The Church is the moral compass, and education is one area where the church can shape our generation and future leaders.
  3. The role of the church is to help those who have no voice. We, therefore, need to be committed to speaking out for and coming to the aid of the weak and vulnerable members/ sectors of society.
  4. Our legal and constitutional framework needs to be influenced and shaped by teachings of scripture. Chapter 6 of the constitution, which was written by citizens, including Christians, already does this significantly and is a good beginning point towards shaping our society with biblical values.


Rev. Thegu Mutahi

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Barasa Tom
Barasa Tom
3 years ago

These are truly, factual issues that each one of us must reflect on. If the church has to be a serious custodian. Our insurance is in Christ who strengthens us to say the truth. But supposing a politician came to “our” Church and does not give “sadaka maalum” how will we react?

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