The Church as a Mediator [Archbishop Anthony Muheria]

The Responsibility We Carry

Mediation is much needed in our society today, so as to detoxify the environment and nurture better leadership. The Church’s calling and mandate to be a mediator is from God. The church does not, therefore, need permission from the rulers or any other power to play this role. This calling exists even before there is strife. It can be fulfilled in some of the following ways:

  1. The Church must engage political leaders regularly and continually, and not only when the house is burning.
  2. Have the capacity and commitment to seek common goals. We need to internalise and nationalise the core values that exist in the constitution, since these would be a key common ground for various entities.
  3. We need to be committed to seeking the common good for the whole of society, and not just our good as church or people of faith.
  4. Mediation requires humility and patience. To be successful mediators, we need to cultivate these virtues.
  5. The Church must enhance its credibility, both real and perceived, as this is absolutely essential to mediation. All members, irrespective of their political persuasion, must work towards building this credibility.
    • Church leaders must be beyond reproach. We must present ourselves in a way that shows high moral standards.
    • We must be seen as totally impartial when playing our mediatory role.
  6. We must enhance and sustain our commitment to the truth. When the Church compromises on the truth, its mediatory efforts will be fruitless.
  7. The Church is a bridge maker not a ladder maker


Archbishop Anthony Muheria

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